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Hull-filled pillows have long been used all over the world for therapeutic support, relief from stiffness and soreness of the neck and shoulders and they may also help relieve and prevent headaches: millet’s high level of silicic acid (predominately present in the hull and stem, three times more than in whole wheat) has been noted for many years. Some suggest that when released through body heat, this natural analgesic can soothe muscle pain, stimulate the metabolism and improve the immune system. Sometimes, customers have returned to announce their migrane-freedom!


Millet's hulls are nature's protection from insects, molds and mildew, therefore, millet hulls are considered to be dust mite-, mold- and mildew- resistant... making millet hulls a naturally clean, hypo-allergenic pillow filling.


Handcrafted in Oregon. 100% Organic millet hulls (USA) 


Spinefulness Bliss Pillows

  • CARE

    All fabrics have been pre-washed, the covers can be slipped off and laundered normally. The entire inner pillow can be washed and dryed too when necessary, but we recommend less often. 

    Can they be heated? Yes and No: You can warm for 5 mins in a hot clothes dryer, but do not heat in the microwave, they are too light and dry. 


    14" x 3" x 8" 


    No Return, No Refund Policy

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